","",loaded_ajaxbuffer); while ((regExMatch = regExObject.exec(loaded_ajaxbuffer)) !== null) { window["mercurylib"]["x-status"]["load"][url]["hasScripts"] = true; if (regExMatch != null && regExMatch.length > 1) { dynamic_script = regExMatch[1]; try { window["mercurylib"]["x-status"]["load"][url]["compiledScripts"] = true; eval(regExMatch[1]); } catch (e) { window["mercurylib"]["x-status"]["load"][url]["failedScripts"] = true; console.log("MercuryLib error: gr_load dynamic JS eval failed: "+e); console.log("Failed code:" +regExMatch[1]); if (e instanceof SyntaxError) { console.log("MercuryLib error: gr_load dynamic JS eval fail due syntax error"); console.log(e.message); } } } else { } }; if (!window["mercurylib"]["x-status"]["load"][url]["compiledScripts"] && loaded_ajaxbuffer.includes("
Winner comment
A friend sent me this, so unfortunately not my screenshot. Lucky chap, said he thought it would be decent when the wilds appeared but not that decent